ARC talks all things Leadfeeder including how they've gotten 40 leads per day and connected with 1,900 companies in the last 6-months.

ARC, a blueprinting company with a global reach, has been using Leadfeeder for over six months. In that time, they’ve connected with 1,900 companies.

We sat down with their VP of Sales Operations, Frank Logan, to discuss why the company decided on Leadfeeder and how using our technology has helped ARC become another satisfied customer.

Why did ARC choose Leadfeeder?

ARC, the world’s largest blueprinting company, has over 200 branches worldwide. They print blueprints for the architecture, engineering, and construction industries and have expanded into other sectors such as legal and hospital construction.

ARC has thousands of customers but was looking for a way to dive into new markets.

We were looking for other ways to improve our SEO, online presence, social media campaigns, and marketing efforts. We came across Leadfeeder and started digging into what it does and how it works.


Improving SEO performance with Leadfeeder might not be the most prominent feature. Still, Leadfeeder show you how your leads are finding you, and thus if your posts are performing well and reaching their intended audience.

The example below shows how to make a custom feed for tracking organic traffic.

Creating a custom organic traffic feed in Leadfeeder to track SEO performance

ARC let its sales team take the lead during the trial, testing out the features of Leadfeeder and getting comfortable with the software. After integrating the software with the company's CRM, the team is now generating 25-40 high-quality leads a day for sales.

The team is now generating 25-40 high-quality leads a day for sales

What are some of the advantages of using Leadfeeder?

Flexibility and customer service are high on Logan's list of advantages. Another top benefit is the easy CRM integration — paving the way for a smooth adaptation of the Leadfeeder software.

Leadfeeder syncs with your CRM, whether you use HubSpot or Salesforce, to automate sales data syncing and create reports faster

We've integrated with our email campaigning system too, so when we push out an email, the results are pushed to Leadfeeder. That integration allows us to see who clicked on our emails. Leadfeeder provides the perfect alignment of data to our sales reps.


Additionally, rapid lead assigning has helped speed up the lead generation process for ARC's sales managers. As a large company, the benefit of adding unlimited users (at no additional cost) is a great perk.

What goals are you achieving with Leadfeeder?

Quicker lead turnover with quality information is a big goal. Data points like emails clicked, pages visited, and point of contact have helped ARC.

In the past, Logan says the sales team followed a more traditional spray-and-pray method of pitching. However, spamming and pitching to hundreds or even thousands of potential customers is a practice that annoys customers.

Instead, targeted marketing has proven to be successful online, whether through native ads, AI smart advertising, or simply focusing on your target audience.

Leadfeeder helps with targeting by finding the right person to contact instead of sending an email to the “head of sales” or a general department.

This includes companies who have already visited your website. Salespeople can focus on the pages that the potential customer engaged with. Then, they're able to optimize their pitch points based on what section of the funnel the visitor appears to be in.

To top it off, Leadfeeder shows users how their SEO is converting into leads.

Now, we hang out in Leadfeeder. We know who to assign leads to right away. instead of a sales manager having to go back and dig around, they know the right move to make.


What’s your advice to others who may be considering Leadfeeder?

“You give it a go”, says Logan.

Exposing your team to Leadfeeder is easy with our free trial. You can access the software (without entering payment information) to see what Leadfeeder has to offer.

As far as integrations go, linking to an existing CRM can take some technical know-how, but Leadfeeder offers seamless integration with leading CRMs like Zoho and HubSpot.

Logan was also quick to note that a big sway in his decision making process came when he discovered Leadfeeder's 14-day free trial.

Once they have it, it's almost like, “how did I do my business without it“? That's one of those scenarios where it's not super costly, and it brings huge value. So my advice is, it can't hurt to try it, right?



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