Leadfeeder vs. VisitorQueue

A Quick and Easy Comparison

Looking for a better alternative to VisitorQueue?

Like Leadfeeder, VisitorQueue offers valuable information about lead generation for B2B companies.

So, how do you know which platform is right for you?

Well, you're in the right place.

Here's where Leadfeeder stands out: we offer a larger, more accurate database, an always-free account with up to 7 days worth of data, and a more robust customer support team.

Read on to learn more about how Leadfeeder can help your company uncover lost leads, nurture those leads into customers, and streamline your sales and marketing efforts.

Sign up for a free 14-day trial of Leadfeeder and get started generating more leads.

What to consider when looking for a B2B lead generation tool?

Lead generation is a key focus for most B2B businesses — but it is getting harder every year. There are tons of lead generation tools on the market, so how do you know which tool is worth the cost?

Before we dig into the differences between Leadfeeder and VisitorQueue, here's what to look for when comparing B2B lead generation tools.

  • Where does the data come from? Accuracy is kinda a big deal, so you want to make sure the data comes from a reputable source. Leadfeeder pulls the data directly from your website via visitor tracking code.
  • Does it provide contact information? Finding leads is great, but numbers or IP numbers won't do you much good! Leadfeeder provides contact information and demographics so you can spot valuable leads fast.
  • Can you integrate the data? Insights are valuable, but connecting that data with your CRM or sales software is crucial to gaining a holistic view of how that data impacts the rest of your efforts.

The best lead generation tools don't just offer data — they make it easier to turn that data into leads and insights you can use to grow your business.

Use our custom website visitor tracking software script to see your B2B sales leads

Google Analytics tells you how much traffic comes to your site — but how many of those people bounce without so much as a click?

Or, how many visitors come to your site and poke around for a bit only to leave without leaving their contact information?

It's frustrating.

What if we told you there was a way to find out what companies have visited your site — and then pass that information on to your sales team?

We've got good news.

Leadfeeder is a B2B lead generation software tool that actually tracks who comes to your website and what they do when they get there —- and then gives you their contact information.

This data allows you to follow up with those visitors by building an account-based marketing plan, targeting them on social media sites like LinkedIn, or reaching out via email to see how you can help.

For B2B sales teams, it's a little bit like magic.

How does it work?

All you have to do is install Leadfeeder's website tracking script on your website and wait for the leads to roll in.

But, Leadfeeder isn't the only tool that offers this type of data. You might also be considering VisitorQueue. So which solution is better? Let's take a look.

Compare features: Leadfeeder vs. VisitorQueue

How do the two software systems compare in the features department? The chart below outlines the features of each tool — and it's drawbacks.

  VisitorQueue Leadfeeder
Tracks companies visiting your website
Frequency of data updates Close to realtime Close to realtime
Custom script tracking
Lead scoring
Contact database ✔ *Pro plan only
Email notifications
Slack integration ✔ *Pro plan only
Google Analytics integration Via a third party
CRM integrations Hubspot, Zoho Pipedrive, Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics 365, WebCRM
Pricing Starting at $39 USD per month Starting at €99 per month
Free trial
Email reports
Import lists X
Export lists
# of users Unlimited Unlimited
# of websites Limited Unlimited

Features winner: Leadfeeder

Compare pricing: Leadfeeder vs. VisitorQueue

Leadfeeder offers two pricing plans: Free and Paid. Our Free plan is always free and provides access to a limited number of features as well as the last 7 days' worth of data.

Our Paid package starts at $99 per month for access to all our features and up to 50 unique leads. That price includes a 40% discount for members who choose annual billing.

VisitorQueue does not offer a free plan, and pricing starts at $31 per month for up to 100 leads.

However, they recommend their 500 lead plan, which starts at $87 per month. They offer a 20% discount for customers who pay annually.

Pricing winner: Tie

VisitorQueue is cheaper for up to 100 leads, but Leadfeeder offers an always free plan.

Compare integrations: Leadfeeder vs. VisitorQueue

Integrations are key to making the most of the data your B2B lead generation tool gathers. What good is data if it's siloed in one tool?

Integrations ensure that data ends up where you need it — whether that's in your CRM, email marketing platform, or elsewhere.

Leadfeeder offers a wide range of integrations, including:

  • API Deck
  • LinkedIn
  • Pipedrive
  • Mailchimp
  • Salesforce
  • HubSpot CRM
  • Zoho CRM
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Slack
  • webCRM
  • Google Hangouts Chat
  • Google Data Studio
  • Google Analytics
  • Zapier

Leadfeeder's B2B lead generation software also integrates with Zapier, allowing sales and marketing teams to connect the data with a number of other software solutions and even power automation.

VisitorQueue offers a wide range of integrations, including:

  • Salesforce
  • Slack
  • Zapier
  • Salesflare
  • Google
  • Trello
  • Twitter
  • Facebook Lead Ads
  • Typeform
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Airtable
  • ClickFunnels

Integrations winner: Tie

Both platforms offer dozens of valuable integrations, including Zapier, which makes it easy to connect to a variety of other platforms.

FAQs: Leadfeeder vs. VisitorQueue

Still got questions about the differences between Leadfeeder and VistitorQueue? We've got you covered.

Which integrations does Leadfeeder support compared to VisitorQueue?

Leadfeeder offers over a dozen different integrations, including Zapier, which allows you to connect with many other software systems.

Both systems connect with Google Analytics, Hubspot CRM, Pipedrive, Salesforce, Slack, Zoho CRM, MailChimp, LinkedIn, Wufoo, and Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Does Leadfeeder offer better customer support than VisitorQueue?

Leadfeeder offers a full support team offering live chat support from 10:00 AM - 11:59 PM EET (3 AM - 5 PM EST), Monday to Friday, excluding holidays or special events. VisitorQueue has a smaller support team and offers live chat from 8 AM-6 PM EST — which leaves customers in other time zones without access to live support during office hours.

How is Leadfeeder priced compared to VisitorQueue?

Leadfeeder offers two plans: Free and Paid. Free is a basic version of Leadfeeder that shows the last 7 days' worth of data and is always free. The Piad version offers access to all features for just $99 per month. Users can start with a free two-week Premium trial.

VisitorQueue does not offer a free plan. Pricing starts at $31 per month for up to 100 unique companies, though the recommended plan offers 500 unique companies for $87 per month.

Is Leadfeeder’s data more accurate than VisitorQueue, or vice versa?

Both Leadfeeder and VisitorQueue track users on your website via a website tracking script installed in your website's coding. However, Leadfeeder provides access to a larger, and therefore more accurate database.

How can I ask more questions about Leadfeeder?

If you've got more questions, the Leadfeeder support team is here to help. Our support team is available via live chat on our website or email from 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM CET, Monday to Friday, except holidays and other special events.

Or, sign up for a free 14-day trial of Leadfeeder and get started generating more leads!

Generate quality leads from website traffic

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