
How Reachdesk added 40+ companies to their top-of-funnel outreach per month with Leadfeeder.

We live in a digital world.

From smart fridges that can add milk to your shopping list to smart pet bowls that track how much your furry friend eats (yes, really), nearly every facet of our lives has been taken over by digital solutions.

One company, however, is going the other way by helping companies connect to prospects and customers in the physical world.

Reachdesk is committed to helping companies bridge the gap between the physical and digital world of sales and marketing by seamlessly integrating gifting and direct mail into existing (digital) workflows.

Despite their innovative approach, Reachdesk struggled to track their content marketing efforts and find high-value prospects. That's when they turned to Leadfeeder.

Recently, we sat down with Alex Olley, Co-Founder and CCO of Reachdesk, to learn more about how they've leveraged Leadeeder to find more leads and grow their business.

Reachdesk: dedicated to delivering moments that matter

Reachdesk helps companies break through the noise by sending physical (or digital) gifts at just the right moment.


Rather than having to juggle when to send a prospect or client something special, Reachdesk makes it simple by integrating with your CRM and other sales stack tools to make it part of your current process.

As a result, they help businesses increase reply rates, accelerate deals, and drive customer loyalty.

Alex and his team are committed to using innovation to break through to prospects while still treating prospects and customers like humans (rather than leads or opportunities)

Sounds pretty cool, right?

Alex shared,

Reachdesk (… is living and breathing the personalization of a successful ABM approach required by Sales & Marketing teams. In today's world it's even more important to cut through the digital noise and enable the commercial org to create moments that matter (offline).

Why Reachdesk chose Leadfeeder

Businesses always need more leads, and Leadfeeder promised a way to get to know who is already interested in their brand by providing access to contact information and other data about current website visitors.

That was pretty appealing to Alex and his team.

Like many businesses, Reachdesk was struggling to find and convert the right leads. One of their main pain points, however, was figuring out if their content marketing was effective.

According to Alex,

As every business doing content marketing, we need to understand if we're attracting the right audience - Leadfeeder can help with that by unmasking website traffic. That's true for unpaid (organic, SEO) as well as paid (SEA, Social, Retargeting, Display) channels.

Reachdesk was already familiar with Leadfeeder due to our prominent presence on peer-to-peer review pages and substantial branding.

So, when they needed a solution, they knew they needed Leadfeeder. 🥳

Why did Reachdesk choose Leadfeeder over other options?

Reachdesk chose Leadfeeder over similar products because of the superior integration and robust automation options, including the ability to send leads via Slack, and even add new companies in CRMs like Hubspot.

Currently, Leadfeeder integrates with dozens of marketing and sales tools, including CRMs, email marketing, and communication tools.

They also found Leadfeeder delivered better data - not only volume. The team also ran several tests and found Leadfeeder reported more leads than similar tools.

Overall, the team was pleased with the setup process (which can be done in less than a day), sharing,

Reachdesk uses Hubspot as a CRM and marketing automation platform. It’s important that the data that fuels our sales and marketing teams is stored there. We had some very specific needs which the initial integration did not cover. However, after speaking with the Leadfeeder team, we created an interim solution together, and got the additional feature added to their roadmap. I’m very impressed with how Leadfeeder listened to us, the customer, and reacted in a way that left us very satisfied.

How Leadfeeder helped Reachdesk reach more customers

Leadfeeder helped Reachdesk improve its bottom line by adding more leads to the account lists their sales team goes after. Intent is a very strong signal, and Leadfeeder helps Reachdesk focus on high-intent companies that are already visiting their website.

Plus, Leadfeeder also helps with account scoring and triggers alerts for named accounts.

Main results of using Leadfeeder

Using Leadfeeder allows Reachdesk to do 2 things:

1) Find new leads

Out of the roughly 500 companies recognized visiting their site every month, 350 are fitting our Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), with 50 of those being completely net new. This is game changing intelligence for our sales development reps.

2) Enhanced lead scoring

Reachdesk also uses Leadfeeder data to add an additional company scoring layer in Hubspot. Everytime a company is recognized by Leadfeeder, they sync that information with Hubspot, and assign a score based on the visit details. Again, this allows their sales development reps to prioritize their outreach efforts.

Impact on marketing processes

Now Reachdesk's marketing team has a much better understanding of paid campaign and content performance. There's an added layer of information after impressions and clicks - when conversions are hard to come by - and less of a goal going forward as content gets ungated - a serious value-add.

Reachdesk also connected Leadfeeder to Slack, so their sellers can see new promising targets there in real time.

Final tips for Leveraging Leadfeeder

Reachdesk has been thrilled with the impact Leadfeeeder had on their sales and marketing process. Alex does suggest Leadfeeder users spend a bit more time looking at the details before rolling it out and give teams a quick briefing of what to expect, especially on how to interpret and utilize the data.

Ready to find more leads? Sign up for a free 14-day trial of Leadfeeder and start finding out what companies are visiting your website.


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