How to Get Started with Video

How to Get Started with Video

Icon clock 30 min 38 sec

Video Overview

A message that doesn’t land via email, won’t land via video either.

It won’t be a silver bullet that suddenly makes your outreach unstoppable.

But… video IS more engaging, personal, and gives you the opportunity to humanize your outreach.

If you’ve got a message that resonates, video will stack the deck in your favour.

In this episode of the B2B Rebellion, Tyler Lessard, VP of Marketing at Vidyard, shares how to get started with video, including:

  • How it can be more efficient than crafting outreach emails
  • Why it can fit into multiple stages in your sales cadence
  • Some killer examples of how to stand out over video


Andy Culligan

Andy Culligan
CMO of Leadfeeder

Tyler Lessard

Tyler Lessard
VP of Marketing of Vidyard

Interview Transcript

Andy Culligan: Hey, guys! Welcome back to another episode of the B2B Rebellion. Super happy to have another head of marketing onboard with me here today. So it's somebody that's actually working for a company that's very relevant right now in terms of where we are. And a lot of people working remotely, sales teams, in particular, working remotely.

It's challenging to break down doors, break down those barriers, not being able to do those face-to-face meetings. So I'd like to introduce Tyler Lessard. He's the VP of Marketing at Vidyard, or CMO. CMO or VP of Marketing?

Tyler Lessard: VP Marketing. It is what I go by, but my real-life job is just spreading the word, engaging our community, making sure we're all aware of what we can be doing with video. So give me whatever title you need to, Andy, that's fine.

AC: So I agree. I think right now in the current situation that we found ourselves in globally, I think video plays such a big, big role in breaking down doors.

TL: Yeah.

AC: I think, however, it brings a couple of challenges. First of all, people have no idea how to do it properly.

TL: Right.

AC: And second of all, it can get overcrowded a little bit, bit clunky in terms of how they do things. Some areas of marketing and sales, people, I think, like, "Who signed this off? This is awful."

TL: Yeah, yeah.

AC: So tell us, first of all, before we get into that, tell us a little bit about yourself, Tyler. What makes you tick? And tell us what's going on at Vidyard at the moment.

TL: Yeah, so I've been here at Vidyard for just over six years now, and I absolutely love this space that we're in, as you mentioned it. It's a, I think it really growing an important space, particularly right now as the virtual world becomes a reality for all of us. But even before that, over the last few years, we've seen this incredible rise in the use of video, not only in marketing teams for everything from social media, to web and digital, to demand gen and so on, but as you alluded to, right down into sales teams.

And we're not just talking about live Zoom calls. We're talking about custom, personalized one-to-one videos that are now becoming more and more commonplace in how we're reaching out to customers, whether that be via LinkedIn, whether that be via email and so on. And it's just becoming a more effective, more personal, more engaging way to communicate.

But most important, the biggest trend that's happened over these last few years is that it's become easy. None of us will challenge the fact that video is important; it always has been, we all know. It's why big companies have spent tens of millions of dollars on video-based commercials and advertising over the years.

But these days, we can all, literally, you, listening or watching right now, can, within a matter of 30 seconds, hit record, send off a video and get a response if you've got the right tools in place. So that's what gets me really excited 'cause it's being democratized and we're starting to see all these great new use cases for video. So just trying to help people take advantage of that.

AC: And it's also that we all walk around with mobile video recorders in our pockets like this. This thing, 10 years ago, it wasn't possible. I remember the first camera phone, for example. I remember even having a phone where there was an attachment that you plug in, which is I didn't...

TL: Oh, yeah.

AC: The technology is really allowing us, nowadays, to make video on-demand that's immediately, regardless of where you are. You can prospect walking down the street at the moment to record yourself. I'm doing it.

TL: Oh, yeah, yeah.

AC: I'm doing it myself.

TL: Yeah, yeah.

AC: So it's super simple to do, and I think that touches on the point that you made there, where like, okay, if we get into like: What are the tips and practices that you could give people when they're getting into video content? How can you say that it's good video content? 'Cause there's a lot of other... But when there's a lot of something, it tends to be a lot of junk in there as well. So what are your tips there?

TL: Yeah, if you're delivering a shitty message via email, that message in-video is just gonna be a shitty video message, right?

AC: For sure.

TL: So I think it's really interesting to see what's happening right now. And again, sort of the dynamic for people who aren't used to wrap their heads around like, "What do you mean like sending a video in a sales context?" The workflow really is as simple as you hit a button, and I'll use, okay, Vidyard, yes. I don't wanna be too promotional here, but I'll give you the context for how people use Vidyard.

It's one click from your browser or from your phone or from your email client to record a video, and that can be either a webcam video and/or a screen share video, and then one click to share it. And it automatically puts the thumbnail image of the video into the email or the social share.

It's a hyperlink to watch that video on its own page, so you're not dealing with uploading an MP4 file or something like that. So we've gotten over that hurdle of making it just as easy as my daughter who records a TikTok and sends it out. We can now do that in the business world, we can record a quick video and send it.

But to your point, Andy, the big question now is: Well, how am I gonna use that effectively? And how do I use it to my advantage, knowing that this is a different medium? My biggest point of encouragement to people is if you're a sales rep doing outbound prospecting, sure, you can use video to take your typical email or phone script and now deliver it on video. So at least now, you're getting a little bit more personal, you're putting yourself on camera, you're creating a bit more human rapport, so that's a little bit better.

But the real win comes when you think about: How can I use this medium for what it's good for, for humanizing who I am? A lot of people, when they get started, they get very nervous and they just sort of, again, stare into the camera and read their script. And you're missing the opportunity to let your personality out there, use your body language. For those watching, that's what I'm trying to do right now. Use visuals to your advantage if you have things you can show them, either physically or on your screen.

Be a little bit more interesting. Some people have a little bit of humor in their videos, some try to be really inspiring. It's a way to really put yourself out there and to take your one or two dimensional message and make it 3D. And you gotta think about how to do that and do it in a way that's fun and interesting.

AC: For sure. You imagine one thing I'm at the body language piece there, that even goes for what we just did a couple of minutes ago. So before we started this, when Tyler first came on the call, I just heard this ZZZZ and I was like, "Tyler, what are you doin?" He's like, "Just give me a sec while I put up my standing desk," and I was like, "Oh, I better do that myself, so here's going up and down with the standing desk bit." And we both said, "Hey, yeah, it's good because when you're doing video content, it adds a certain bit of energy to it. You're standing up and your body language is showing that you're open." It's important.

If you got somebody sitting in the chair with their shoulders hunched and they're looking down at the keyboard, it's not going to be interactive. You're not gonna make that contact. Interested to hear your side and your point of view on terms of volume, because I spoke with Morgan Ingram, I don't know if you know Morgan. So Morgan's also a big, big advocate of video in the sales outreach, and his advice is, he's got a specific way of doing things where he says, "Okay, just try to get 50 of those out a week. If you do 50 a week, you're gonna keep on getting better and better and better, and better and better."

How many do you see reps use... How many videos can reps be doing a day? Is it possible to do 50 a day or 50 a week? Is that even possible? What's the right amount of time? All of those different things play a role.

TL: Yeah, so a few things you'll learn as you start to do this. First of all, like anything new that you're going to do, you're gonna suck at the beginning. It's like your first cold calls, it's like your first in-person meetings. Your first one was probably your worst, and your last one that you've done was probably your best. You continuously get better as you have your repetitions and you build those muscles. No different with video.

Your first video is going to... You're gonna hate it, and you're gonna delete it, and you're gonna re-record it. And that's great, you're learning. And I really firmly believe, I may be biased, I'm with a video tech company, but I very firmly believe that this is a skill set we all need going forward. We're not turning off the cameras, and whether it just be like, we're all...

We're gonna be doing video calls, and I think more and more we need to be able to send video messages as a way of communicating offline with our prospects and customers, and we just need to start building this muscle now. So, certainly, frequency and repetition is always gonna help you get better and better. It's gonna help you get more comfortable.

And what's really interesting is, again, a lot of people start off thinking, "Jeez. Sending out videos feels super inefficient. It's gonna take me so long to record a video, whereas I could have just blasted out an email." And the reality is, once you've done your reps of videos, and let's say you've done a couple hundred videos now, which again, for a lot people is like, "Well, I'll come on your videos," you're like, "I'm just talking about hitting record and talking for 45 seconds."

AC: It's not that much.

TL: Once you hit that point, you start to get into that rhythm of, you're doing 'em in one take, again, each video is probably a minute or less. And so, often, it is just as efficient and in some cases, even more efficient than customizing and sending an email, 'cause you're not worrying as much about the formatting and the spelling and moving words around, you're like, you've got your usual intro and you're like, hit record, "Hey, Andy. It's Tyler of Vidyard over here. Over at Leadfeeder, I see you guys are doing A, B and C, and I just... I've got something really cool that I think could really help you guys, and I would love to send you another video to show you what I'm talking about. Let me know what you think, and in the meantime, feel free to take a look at our website for more info." Boom, I'm done.

I can do that all day long if I need to. Yeah, it gets a little bit exhausting after a while, but we hear reps that are doing five or 10 videos a day, I hear others that are doing 30 or 40 videos a day that are more advanced, that have been doing this for a while and are handling a larger volume of leaves.

So I don't think it's a matter of how many you could or should do, I think it's a matter of, once you get comfortable, it becomes a natural way in which you can communicate in your outreach, and then you just start to think about when does it make sense or not. And you're conscious about, "Hey, I'm gonna send a message to this person. Would it be best delivered as an email, as a social, as a phone call or as a video?" And just being conscious of like, "Oh yeah, if I did a video, I could tell them this or show them this. Great." Hit record and go. And that's the mentality, I think people are starting to get into.

AC: That's good. I really like that mentality because it puts the video in many stages within the sales process. 'Cause one of the typical questions you get is like, "Should I do it as the first touch, or should it be the third touches?" Stop focusing on just placing it in a cavern somewhere, so you've got it done and out of the way. It needs to be... You said it perfectly. You need to have a little bit of a feel for when it fits.

Any cadence, I know that it's important for sales teams to have cadences. Within a cadence, that can chop and change... The pieces that make up a cadence can chop and change in different areas. You don't necessarily need to send an email on day one, then follow up with a call tree days later or vice versa. It's about having those touch points in there, but also the good thing about a cadence is, it presents all the touch points in front of you, and also time frames in which you should leave in between doing certain touch points, but feel free, based on your knowledge of the market, to move those middle touch points around.

TL: Yeah, absolutely. And I think another... You bring up an interesting point around just this notion of, if you are using a cadence with a structure, if you will, around, it might be eight, five to eight communications to a prospect, it might be 15 to 20, depending on how your business works.

And what I find is two things. One is, yes, absolutely, like getting to that point where you have the ability to be smart about, "Yeah, you know what? At this point, I'm gonna do this 'cause I think it's my best shot," but I think what's also interesting is rethinking, "How does your sequencing work as an integrated communication strategy?" Which is usually how you start and you think, "Okay, if I do email, phone, social, email, email." You're usually thinking in that mindset of, "How does the whole become greater than the sum of the parts, if you will?"

And that's what you need to start thinking about with video, and you go, "Okay." So let's not just think, "Okay, here I was doing an email, and here I was doing an email. I'm gonna add videos into those, and I'm done." I want people to step back and think, "Okay, if in this sequence, I now have the ability to send somebody a custom video that I record, I could also send them a pre-recorded video that I've already made or maybe my marketing team has given to me, and I can send them those as part of this sequence. How might I re-imagine what it all looks like?"

And then you start to go... I think the smartest ones end up with things like, "Oh, you know what? If I send a video here and I don't get a response, my next touch can be a phone call where my voice mail, I say, Hey, Andy, really quick, I just sent you a quick video to show you A, B and C and to explain something or other. Would love your feedback if you get a chance. Check your inbox." And what's interesting about that is you're now actually using a video call to action to change your voicemail.

And I hear time and time again that people get better responses to a voicemail that says, "Check your inbox. I sent to you a custom video" than, "Can you check your inbox? I sent you an email" because there's a curiosity factor that gets sparked there. There's almost a novelty factor for some people where they're like, "Wait a minute. They sent me a video? That doesn't compute. What? I don't get videos from sales reps. Okay, I should check this out."

So there's little things like that where you can think about not only where do add in videos, but how do your other touches evolve in some cases? I also like having calls to action, especially when you send a video early on saying instead of, "Can I get 15 minutes on your time, please, please, please?" Your call to action can be, "Can I send you another video to show you a bit more of what I'm talking about?" Which is a much easier, lighter, on-demand ask, and you step back and you think, "Well, who would say no to that?" I know exactly why they would say no to getting on a call, but who would say no to, "Can I send you another video to show you a bit more?" They'd be silly not to say, "Yeah, sure." So little things like that, you can start to think about.

AC: So yeah, that specific CTA is one that gets me most times actually. "Hey, Andy." Even first what you think, first you though was email, and the first thought you was saying, "Hey, Andy, I've created a video which shows conversion problems on" Right? And I say, "Oh, you recognize a problem on my website, and you create a video about it. Can I send it to you? It only takes five minutes to watch." Send it on. Send it on. And he sends it on, and I actually watched it. He sends it across my team. My team were like, "That's bullshit," but to be fair though, it got my foot in the door. It got his foot in the door with me. If there had been stuff in there that made sense then I definitely would have followed up, but... Go on sorry.

TL: Another great personal example that literally just happened to me yesterday was there had been a rep that had been phoning me way too much. Let me just put it out there, but they built brand awareness 'cause I'd see on my phone like once a week, their name would show up and I would ignore it like any good prospect. I don't answer my phone between 9:00-5:00. And so this person, I was just like, "Go away, I'm not... I don't even know what you do. I don't care." But anyways, that individual, I won't name them, just yesterday finally sent me a video. And anyway, so I saw the email come through. I recognized their name. I'm like, "Ugh," roll my eyes. I open the email, but then there's this nice... There's a video, but it's not just a video of him as a rep. It was a video with a screen share and his face was in the corner, but the screen share showed a search result when they were searching for something relevant to our business. And he had highlighted one of our ads that come up during one of those searches, so it's a Google ad.

And so I looked at it, and immediately I was like, "Hey wait a minute. I recognize that. That's one of our ads." And then I can quickly see that there was something that he wanted to tell me about it and is leading in the email. He had very specific like, "Hey, Tyler. I wanna show you exactly how it is your ads are showing up today and what I could do to make them a little bit better." And so I click play and I watch it, and sure enough, he says, "Hey, I wanna show you exactly what I'm talking about here. Your ad shows up like this. You don't have this five-star rating. That's gonna be impacting how many clicks you get. I can help you get a five-star rating." I'm like, "Okay," and I forward it over to our digital lead, and then they're having to call later this week, right?

And I'm sure that I made that rep's day 'cause he doesn't have to keep making phone calls to me now, which was a waste of his time originally to do that. So just another simple example where he really caught my attention, but not just with something that was novel. It was something that I'm like, "I basically just got a demo. In one minute, I got a really quick demo of what I care about." And it was super effective, and I didn't have to get on a call, which is... I just don't do, right.

AC: Yeah. Yeah, fair enough. Fair enough. I fully agree with you. I'm in the same position. I'm actually... On one hand, when you said to me there a couple of seconds ago, just about that this person was relentless on the phone. It made me be like, "Oh, that's good because at the moment people aren't picking up the phone." That's one thing that I've observed and I've spoken to a number of people about it. That's a topic for another day, but there was one thing that you mentioned previously around video takes and taking the first one, leading it, things like that.

Like what I've noticed or at least for me personally, personal preference, whenever I do something, if it's not a bit blemished, if there's not like... If it's perfect, if it's too perfect, then I think it's like, "Ugh, come on." So I think even, like a tip I'd give is when I'm doing something, I don't really care if there's mistakes in it, less so than when you're doing an email. If you write an email and there are spelling errors all over it, you'd be like, "Ah, I need to fix this. Grammar's not right or whatever. So let me try to fix this up and spend some more time with that." With video, though, you make a couple of mistakes 'cause I think it actually makes you a bit more human, to be honest.

TL: Absolutely. Yeah, no, absolutely, and I think that's part of the reason we always, always, always recommend not to script your videos and definitely don't read a script while you're looking into the camera. To me, that's the kiss of death for a video, that it doesn't come across as authentic and people can notice it. And so I think to your point, you...

You wanna know, you wanna plan a little bit. You don't wanna just completely freestyle and go, "Okay, I'm gonna prospect this guy, record, and we're on." So you wanna know the framework for what you're gonna say. But again, if you hit record and you start into it, and then the dog barks in the background, don't stop and then restart. Go like, "Yep, yep, that's my cute little Labrador. You might meet him at some point if we ever get a chance to talk. Now, back to what I was saying." You can, there's things like that, that totally humanize it. And right now, honestly, I think people crave that more than ever, where it's this is our window into seeing other people's lives in the absence of being really social right now.

And I actually think it gives us an advantage to be a little bit more personal and fun. And the fact that we can be... Sometimes, I hear a rep saying, "Oh, well, my environment at home is terrible. I'm in my closet, and I can't do videos when I'm in my closet." I'm like, you know what? That's actually better than doing videos at your desk at the office where you're like... People are sitting right beside you, you don't wanna talk too loud to disturb them.

I'm like I love this world for video because we all have our own personal video studios, whether it's in a closet, in an office, whatever it happens to be. But then, take advantage of that 'cause you can own it. Right now, you can own your space. You can be as it get loud, and you can stand up, you can wave your arms, and you can embrace it like you probably couldn't have in an office environment. So work within the constraints and you can actually be even better.

AC: For sure, and owning the space is an interesting one as well. So even for me here, people say, "Oh, you must be in the office." I'm like, "What makes you think I'm in the offense?" Like, "Oh, you've got the logo on the wall." This is felt, this is not real. And so I could take this down, it comes off. And got a whiteboard over here, which I just drilled into the wall. This is my house, I don't... So it's interesting that you mention that people like, "I'm not in the office, so I can't do it." I totally 100% agree with you. But you just make what you can of the space.

TL: Oh, yeah.

AC: People don't see what's around you. They just see what's behind you.

TL: Well, and a lot of people, you mentioned the whiteboard, so I'll... Let's talk about the one trick that a lot of reps use, and I'm looking down right now because I'm writing a little message. But a lot of us may know that what some reps are doing is to personalize their video and make sure the thumbnail image is personalized.

They'll have a whiteboard like this where they can hold up, they can write a quick message to somebody so that when they see the thumbnail image of the video, they see this personal message and they know that it's for them. So that's sort of a hack to increase your click-through rates on your videos: Have something visual that shows them this is just for them, and you'll increase your click-through rate. So that's one little hack.

What one thing I'm doing actually right now, and I'm gonna do this weekend, Andy, is I'm actually, in this space behind me, this picture is temporary, I'm putting up a bulletin board. And my point there is that I can start... Every video I make, I can put something else, I can just tack something else up onto the bulletin board. So instead of writing a message on a whiteboard, I might actually have a whiteboard hung up on it, or I might just have pieces of paper lying around. I might put a little like, "Vidyard plus Leadfeeder equals love," stick that up on the board before I hit record, and it's actually a little bit more subtle. So it's not like I'm trying to get you to watch, but if you look at it and you see, "Wait a minute. Does that guy have like a Vidyard plus Leadfeeder in his office? Okay, I gotta watch this."

Now, the next one is down, and it's a different person there or company name. So stuff like that, you can do. Again, just get creative, think outside the box, if you will, on how you can use the visual nature to get their attention. Put a little bit of extra effort into it, especially for those tier one accounts that you really wanna crack into.

AC: That's super awesome. Even just on those tier one accounts piece, on that personalization, so I've seen... A friend of mine works for Segment. So Segment is a CDP, so customer data platform. And he sent me a message cause he knows that I love all things ABM. So I can't remember which company it was, but the company was targeting Segment directly. Obviously, Segment are probably under tier one ABM list in their account-based marketing list on LinkedIn.

So what the rep was doing was, with the marketing department, I think they were using Vidyard for the videos as well, was that they had recorded personalized videos for all of their tier one accounts and obviously, had like, "Hey, that's a Leadfeeder," or for example, in this case, Segment, in the video on a whiteboard plus in the message itself. And then we're doing display out or paid advertising on LinkedIn. So my buddy was getting targeted with a video on LinkedIn with his company's name below in the description and he was like, "This is the best form of account-based marketing I've ever seen."

TL: How can I ignore this? How can I ignore this?

AC: So much so that he sent it to somebody else who doesn't even work for his company, you know?

TL: Yeah, yeah.

AC: Just to put it, just to complement the trade of marketing, let's say. And he's a sales guy.

TL: The other thing that I've seen is people pairing up videos with direct mail campaigns as part of that targeted account strategy. And I've heard that work fabulously well for a lot of companies where, again, let's say it again, I'm prospecting you. I send you a gift or something in the mail. But ahead of time, I probably have one of those, whatever I'm sending, a box of something to you. I might have one here as well. And what I might do is I might actually...

One of our clients, they did have their reps do an unboxing video of the gifts they were sending to people, and they would actually send that video first and so they... But they only recorded it once 'cause they didn't... They didn't say like, "Hey, Andy." It's like, "Hey, it's Tyler from Vidyard here. I've just sent you something super special. I wanna give you a peek at what might be inside." And it's like, "Welcome to your unboxing video!" And you start pulling things out and you show like, "Oh, my gosh! It's got this! How cool!" And it's like a fun, almost like a YouTube unboxing video. And then they record that once. And then each account they send it to, before it arrives, they send them this video via email. If they connect on LinkedIn, they'll send it via LinkedIn DM and...

And they said it was incredibly successful, where their conversion rate on those two things together was ridiculously high, and they would even have accounts responding who didn't get the physical mail or haven't gotten it yet saying, "Hey, do you have a tracking number or something, because I really can't wait to get that package. How often does that happen? Where somebody is like, Can you please, what will I get.

And they said it was incredibly successful, where their conversion rate on those two things together was ridiculously high, and they would even have accounts responding who didn't get the physical mail, or haven't gotten it yet, saying, "Hey, do you have a tracking number or something 'cause I really can't wait to get that package". It's like, how often does that happen? Where somebody is like, "Can you please... When will I get your swag?" A little bit of it... And then they start into a conversation before they even got the mailer and it's like stuff like that, where you're like, yeah, you know if I just get a little bit creative with it, magic can happen.

AC: But that super makes of marketing and sales as well. I'm a big advocate of marketing and sales alignment, on both teams working together, and that breathes marketing and sales alignment, 'cause sales are excited about it, marketing are excited about it, they've got something to do together it gels both the teams together and sales start to see results out of the marketing action, which is the direct mail, which they'd probably fulfill, marketing.

And then, in between, you've got the video too, which is then almost like the gel between the marketing and sales team then because sales now they increased our conversion rates by using video along with the marketing campaign so... It's like videos enables that alignment piece. That's great!

TL: Yeah and I think in cases like that, actually working with... I guess it's sort of another piece of advice for sellers out there who might be thinking about using videos... Don't be shy to talk to your marketing team if you've got somebody over there to brainstorm, I'm like "Okay guys, we're gonna be using these videos, let's brainstorm on interesting ways we could do it. Because the marketers will bring all these creative campaigning ideas, like, "Oh, what if you did this, and, what if you wore a cowboy hat and you did this campaign and these props... ", then you're like "Okay.

I'm not wearing a cowboy hat, but those other ideas are awesome, and let's think about that." So I think you're right, when that collaboration happens, I think the marketers can unlock a bit of the creativity of how you can use video, sometimes they can provide some example scripts or guidelines, and then the sales reps are the ones who bring the actual humanity to it, and get rid of the buzz words and go, "Okay. I'm just gonna talk to you like a real human." So I think that's a really great point on that collaboration and it can go really, really well with video.

AC: No, I really like that, I really like that. And we we're coming to the end of this now Tyler, I just wanted to ask you from your perspective, it's hard to tell right now, but what do you see as the future for video? What's gonna happen next? There's been so many advancements from a tech perspective, even when we mentioned this on how... Telephones you know... Who needs a digital camera anymore when you have the phone... What do you... Do you guys see as the next thing? Or is there gonna be any further developments? Like what you see is improving.

TL: Yeah. I think there's a lot of neat things like that on that longer term horizon that we all get excited about, with augmented reality and all sorts of wacky and wild things, but I think for the next couple of years, the big one we're seeing is just kind of where we started this conversation, is making video so... That's approachable, easy, transactional, repeatable for people, that it becomes a part of how we communicate and giving people more and more tools, those who are the power users, to start to customize and create those more advanced video experiences.

I wanna hit record, but I want a green screen background and I want a graphic to pop up here, and then I want something to pop up here, so I think those sorts of things are starting to happen. So I think it's just like... Make it easy for everybody that wants to be able to create and share videos to do so. But more and more tools and more and more capabilities in those... For those that wanna do a little bit of self-editing. They may wanna create their own video for an account and do a little bit of cutting and splicing and add a music track to it. I think we're all kind of, need to get there and I get really excited at the idea that that could be as easy as creating a slide or writing an email and the tools are starting to get close to that, so really excited about that.

AC: That's amazing. And look, with us. Where can people find you and where can people find Vidyard?

TL: Yeah, so, please, myself, connect with me on LinkedIn, Tyler Lessard and VP marketing Vidyard, you'll find me. And of course, Vidyard. The best part about Vidyard is that you can use it for free. So go to Vidyard dot-com to check us out. You can go to to sign up. You can create and send unlimited videos using Chrome, Gmail, Outlook, your phone and get notifications when people watch them. So have at it, try it out, and if it works incredibly well, we're very happy. And at some point maybe you'll graduate to our premium products, but honestly, just get going with the free version. Try it out.

AC: Perfect. Tyler, thank you so much for going on, it was really, really interesting speaking with you mate.

TL: Awesome thank you for having me I was great appreciate it.

AC: Take it easy.

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