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Top 13 HubSpot Integrations for B2B Marketers

31 March 2022

Ever wish for more hours in the day? More time to reply to emails, check in on languishing projects, or just eat tacos and catch up on the latest season of Picard? 

While we don't have a time machine (that you know of…), we do have a tip that might make it feel like there are more hours in the day — using some of the powerful HubSpot integrations. 

Integrations don't just save time, they also provide access to deeper insights. For example, Leadfeeder integrates with LinkedIn, allowing us to provide more actionable insights about who visits your site. 

HubSpot has tons of integrations — so which ones are the most valuable for B2B? That's what we're here to talk about. 

Note: Leadfeeder identifies which companies visit your website — even if they don't fill out a form. Sign up for a two-week trial and see who's visiting your site. 👀

How can HubSpot integrations drive B2B results? 

You probably already know you can integrate simple platforms, like Twitter, and your social media scheduling tool. 

But that's small potatoes. 

HubSpot is one of the most popular CRMs on the market, and they offer a ton of amazing integrations that will make your life easier — and your data more powerful. 

Here are a few other ways integrations from HubSpot can make your life easier: 

  • Automate data collection, organization, and cleaning. 

  • Use personalized data shared from multiple platforms to send the right messages at the right time. 

  • Improve lead qualification by sharing data between tools.

  • Give sales more context on leads. 

  • Automate meeting scheduling. 

  • Connect reports for a more holistic view of your marketing and sales.

So, what are the best integrations to help streamline your work? 

Top HubSpot integrations to drive B2B Success 

HubSpot is best known as a CRM, but they also offer tons of other tools, including marketing automation, CMS management, meeting scheduling, and more. 

Screenshot of the best HubSpot integrations landing page

This means there might be more integrations than you realized. Here are our favorites for B2B. 

Top HubSpot integrations for email 

Email marketing remains one of the most effective channels for B2B, with 87 percent of B2B marketers saying email is their top free organic distribution channel. But, it can also be time-consuming to manage. 

Not any more. Use these top HubSpot email integrations to streamline your data, personalize send times, and more. 

MailChimp Data Sync

Mailchimp HubSpot integration

MailChimp has two integrations for HubSpot. This one shares contact information between the two platforms. But the data sync one does a little bit more. 

It offers a two-way sync, historical data syncing, and custom field mapping, meaning you can share more than email addresses and names. Say goodbye to manual data entry! 

Clearout Email Validation 

Clearout Email Validation HubSpot Integration

Clearout validates your email list by verifying addresses, removing spam, checking for typos, and finding emails from undesirable domains. The results? Less undeliverable emails, fewer spam marks, and better quality leads. 


Scope HubSpot integration

People want more personalization — but finding relevant content and communicating regularly can be tough. This Scope integration automates content sharing by finding fresh content, making editing easy, and helping you share it through email fast. You can even push content to multiple channels. 

Email Delivery Optimization 

Email delivery optimization HubSpot integration

Not sure when to send that clever email campaign? Use Email Delivery Optimization integration to maximize email ROI by automatically adjusting email send times and frequency to each person's past actions. 

So John in San Francisco sees your email in the morning when he wakes up, while Susan in Florida sees your email just after lunch — even if those aren't the same time. 

Top HubSpot integrations for lead generation 

According to HubSpot data, lead generation is a top priority for marketers. 

Top HubSpot integrations lead stat graph

If only it were easier. Guess what? It can be. 

These HubSpot integrations help improve lead quality so you don't just generate more leads — you generate more effective leads. 


Leadfeeder HubSpot Integration

Hey, that's us. Yeap, we integrate with HubSpot. Connecting our platforms lets us create new companies in HubSpot, connect to existing companies in your CRM, create tasks, deals, and more. 

Set up automation, and we can spot a hot new lead, create a new company in HubSpot, and assign a task for sales to follow up. You get all the credit; we do all the heavy lifting. 


Instapage HubSpot integration

With the Instapage integration, you can create personalized landing pages that nurture leads in HubSpot with the click of a button — no developer needed. Instapages integrates with contact activity and contact management to make A/B testing and landing page creation more effective. 


Drift HubSpot integration

Drift is a conversational marketing tool that makes it easier to qualify site visitors. Integrating the two lets you easily add new contacts to your CRM and sync conversations from Drift. This gives your sales team the info they need to craft the perfect outreach. 

Top HubSpot integrations for SEO 

Want to improve your SEO? These integrations make it easier to manage your SEO all in one place. 

Google Search Console 

Google Search Console HubSpot integration

Share data about your SEO, including Page Analytics and Query Analytics, with HubSpot. You'll be able to see the keywords or phrases people search for when your site appears in the search results, get new content ideas, and more. 

Schema Helper 

Schema Helper HubSpot integration

Help your content stand out in the search results by adding Schema structured data to blog posts on your HubSpot website. (Note, this only works if you use HubSpot's content management system.) This coding makes your page eligible for rich features (like lists) and featured snippets.  

Top HubSpot integrations to improve your workflow 

These days, there's a tool for everything. This is nice, but it can also get overwhelming to constantly switch back and forth between tools, copy over data, or remember to add events to your calendar. 

With these HubSpot integrations, you don't have to. 


Slack HubSpot integration

Everyone's favorite chat tool integrates with HubSpot. Create actions, deals, contracts, tasks, tickets, get Slack notifications, and so much more. (Seriously, this one does a lot!) 


Calendly HubSpot integration

Use the Calendly integration to embed your scheduling link on your site and automatically create leads, contacts, and activities in HubSpot when a new meeting is scheduled. If you ask custom questions in Calendly, those will get added to HubSpot as well. 

Google Contacts 

Google contacts HubSpot integration

Save time on manual data entry with Google Contacts/HubSpot integration. Set up real-time, two-way data synching so you never have to move data from your phone to HubSpot again. If you add a number to your work phone, Google will share it with HubSpot. Make changes in either system? It'll update automatically in both. 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator HubSpot integration

No more flipping back and forth between your CRM and LinkedIn to send messages. With LinkedIn Sales Navigator's integration, you can send InMail directly from the contact record, view shared connections, see other leads at the same company, and more. 

HubSpot integrations save you time — and improve data quality 

When it comes to B2B, speed is everything. The faster you can respond to a lead, the faster you can close the deal. HubSpot is powerful on its own, but these integrations make it that much better. No more importing spreadsheets, missed opportunities, or tasks falling through the cracks. Just more data, better leads, and more sales. 

Note: Leadfeeder tracks and identifies which companies visit your site — and what they do when they get there. Sign up for a two-week trial and see who is creeping on your website. 

Jessie Taylor
By Jessie Taylor

Jessie works in Content Marketing and Social Media for 6+ years and creates authentic, brand-led content that helps turn target audience into customers.

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