ROI Amplified

Find out how ROI Amplified uses Leadfeeder and Zapier to create a full history of every page a company has visited before becoming a lead.

Zach Bowlby, CEO of Tampa, Fla.-based agency, ROI Amplified, wants to know as much as possible about every sales lead that comes from his company’s website.

ROI Amplified


To do this, Bowlby uses Leadfeeder, Zapier, and SharpSpring (his CRM and marketing automation tool) to create a full history of every page a company has visited before submitting a lead.

The company’s website activity is automatically added to the lead form data in the Sharpspring CRM record, keeping everything neatly organized in one place for Bowlby and anyone else who’s helping him on a sales deal.

Zapier takes companies from Leadfeeder and — twice a day — puts those over into SharpSpring, Bowlby said. And then, when someone fills out a lead form, it automatically finds when they were first on the site and shows me all their information. It’s a lot more information than you’d normally get from a lead submission.

This knowledge helps tremendously in the sales process. It also helps the team understand why companies convert — and if their marketing strategy is working.

Leadfeeder shows me everything they’ve done before they submit the form, which is invaluable, Bowlby said. We’re identifying at least 60 to 70 percent of the companies that are on our site that way.

ROI Amplified’s Lead Generation Process

The lead gen process at ROI Amplified starts with Leadfeeder, which creates a running list of companies that have visited the website, even if they don’t fill out a contact form.

Bowlby has Leadfeeder integrated with Sharpspring, which the team uses daily to track the sales process. This is done using Leadfeeder’s Zapier connection, which sends information from Leadfeeder directly to Sharpspring — including every page a company has visited prior to submitting a lead form.

ROI Amplified

Now, the team at ROI Amplified has a backlog of intelligence on sales leads the moment they submit a lead form on the website.

What we found is when people actually do convert to leads, I have a lot more information to work with. It’s a really clean process, Bowlby explained.

ROI Amplified

The agency knows:

  • When a prospect company first visited the site
  • The amount of time that elapsed between the first visit and a lead form submission
  • How many times the company viewed the contact page before reaching out
  • Every page visited prior to reaching out.

What They’ve Learned Using This Strategy

Strategically, ROI Amplified has made two key discoveries about the companies that visit their site. Specifically, Bowlby was able to confirm and fine tune his content marketing strategy thanks to data from Leadfeeder.

  • ROI Amplified Was Reaching Its Ideal Clients, but Not With The Content They Thought

Before Leadfeeder, Bowlby thought clients would be interested in more granular content that could show off their technical expertise.

The company wrote detailed posts on topics like Google AdWords, which drove a lot of traffic. But through Leadfeeder, they discovered that much of the traffic to these detailed posts came from universities, probably from students.

Their ideal target audience — companies looking for help with marketing — gravitated toward top-level content, which is what they focus on now. Their most recent post on hiring a full-service marketing agency, for example, has already generated several new leads.

ROI Amplified

Leadfeeder has been really good for figuring out what content is reaching who, Bowlby said.

  • Viewing the Contact Page Doesn’t Mean a Company Will Reach Out

Bowlby’s team also found that a company may view a contact page multiple times before reaching out. Understanding that many companies can reach the contact page without following through has motivated the agency to update the page and make it even easier.

Their contact page now includes four different ways to contact the agency:

ROI Amplified

Even with multiple contact options, some companies reach the contact page and — for whatever reason — don’t follow through. For instance, using Leadfeeder, Bowlby has been following one major company that has visited their contact page over four times without making contact.

In those cases, the sales team can — if they want — research the company, identify employees to reach out to, and try to get a sales conversation going. Leadfeeder’s data means ROI Amplified can pursue the lead knowing the company is already interested.

Leadfeeder + Zapier Means Integration with Hundreds of Apps

Through Leadfeeder’s partnership with Zapier, you have seamless integration with hundreds of apps, including every major CRM. For ROI Amplified, the integration provides actionable data that empowers the sales team to know exactly what a new prospect did on the website.

Leadfeeder also allows the sales team to reach out to companies that show obvious interest in their services, even if the company didn’t submit a lead form.

By integrating Leadfeeder’s data with other services currently in use by your sales and marketing team, you too can equip your sales team to generate more leads and close more deals!


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