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Sales Intelligence With Leadfeeder

11 March 2024

The most effective sales professionals don’t work 100 hours a week and pull all-nighters—they work smarter by leveraging data.

The right data can help you find better prospects faster and customize outreach so you're reaching out with the right information at the right time. 

Want to work smarter, not harder? You need access to better sales intelligence data. 

The good news is, you might already have access to this data in tools like your CRM or lead prospecting tools. Today, we'll explore what sales intelligence is, how it can improve your sales process, and the top sales intelligence tools out there. 

Note: Leadfeeder is a sales intelligence tool that turns site behavior into actionable sales data. Try us free for 14 days

What is sales intelligence?

Sales intelligence refers to a range of tech solutions that provide sales and marketing with data about their potential clients and customers. There are two main types of sales intelligence data—sales intelligence data that is enhanced by providing additional details (think Echobot) and sales intelligence that is combined with actions and intent data to deliver detailed insights about specific customers. 

Leadfeeder, for example, tracks and delivers the actions specific customers take rather than just delivering lists of potential clients. That means you get more context and warmer leads than a company like Echobot, where those customers didn’t even comply to being on a list.

How does it work? You start by using a tool like Leadfeeder to gather sales intelligence data. For example, you might create a filter in Leadfeeder to notify you when a US-based healthcare company with more than 500 employees reads 2 blogs and visits your pricing page. You use that data to inform the rest of your sales process. 

Benefits of using a sales intelligence platform

The main benefit of a sales intelligent platform? It will help you close more deals. That's because it provides context about website visitors and what they want. Rather than guessing if a prospect is ready to convert, you've got cold, hard data. 

Here are a few more benefits: 

  • Find visitors that match your ideal customer profile: By better understanding who visits your website and what they do, organizations can see if they are attracting their ideal customers. 

  • Get access to more accurate data: Sales intelligence tools provide access to more detailed and more accurate data, improving accuracy for prospecting and targeting. 

  • Speed up the sales cycle: The B2B sales cycle is long. Sales intelligence helps you find and reach decision makers that show buyer intent faster so you can focus on leads likely to close.  

  • Improve prospecting and lead generation: Sales intelligence data helps you better understand who prospects are and what they're interested in, helping sales create personalized pitches. 

How does sales intelligence software work?

Not all sales intelligence software works the same way—or offers the same benefits. However, there are a few features most tools, including Leadfeeder, share. 

Increase sales and marketing leads

One of the most significant benefits of sales intelligence software is the access to real-time data. Real time data increases the number and quality of sales and marketing leads you have access to—and helps you respond faster. 

For example, in Leadfeeder you can create a filter to notify you when a specific company or type of company visits your site. This gives sales the opportunity to reach out in a timely manner—and hopefully close that deal.  

Integrate with your CRM

Sales intelligence tools integrate with your current tech stack, including your CRM. These integrations allow tools to share data and provide deeper insights into the likes and motivations of current customers and prospects.

Set up alerts for your sales team

Sales teams are busy. They don't have time to check a dozen tools and sort through hundreds of notifications. Sales intelligence tools leverage automation to send notifications when specific actions occur. 

For example, Leadfeeder users can use segmentation to separate site visitors into hot leads and message a specific Slack channel when users in that segment visit their website. 

Filter your current customer intelligence data

Sales intelligence platforms don't just gather new data—they can also help filter your current customer data. Using Leadfeeder, for example, you can upload a current customer list and use filters to better understand their on-site behavior. Other sales intelligence tools, like LinkedIn's Sales Navigator, offer similar features. 

Customize your sales strategy with intelligence data

Three-quarters of B2B sales take at least four months to close—and nearly half take at least seven months. That's a long time for sales to work on a lead! The good news is, sales intelligence data helps customize sales strategies, improving close rates. 

For example, say a lead has gone cold. Using a sales intelligence tool like Leadfeeder, your sales team gets a notification that the cold lead visited your site and read a specific blog post. Now sales can reach out at the right time and mention the topics that lead is researching. 

Sales intelligence data for dummies (not you, obviously!)

Does the thought of more data make your eyes glaze over? We know exactly how you feel. Data gets complicated, but sales intelligence data doesn't have to be overwhelming. Here's a quick and fast guide to sales intelligence data. 

Why do you need sales intelligence data?

Sales intelligence data helps your sales team work smarter by highlighting important trends, behaviors, and prospects that show intent to purchase. Depending on the sales intelligence tools you use, this can help speed up the sales cycle, customize outreach, and highlight opportunities. 

How is the data collected?

Each sales intelligence data collects data a bit differently, but most use a custom tracking pixel. Leadfeeder, for example, uses a small piece of code users install on their website to track onsite visits and behavior. 

What difference does it make?

In addition to improving sales outcomes, sales intelligence platforms provide access to data that can be organized, sorted, and shared across platforms. For example, data from site visits tracked by Leadfeeder can be sent to your CRM, allowing account managers to see what actions current customers have taken. 

What are the key data points?

The key data points in sales intelligence vary by platform and the actions you wish to take. The key data points for most sales intelligence solutions include: 

  • Real-time data

  • Buyer intent behavior 

  • On-page actions 

  • Demographics or firmographics 

  • Contact information, such as social profiles and phone numbers 

What is the role of sales intelligence data in the B2B sales process?

Sales reps use sales intelligence data throughout the sales cycle, from finding qualified leads to closing the final deal. Sales intelligence data aims to provide businesses with more information about prospects and leverage that data to build stronger connections. 

Here are a few examples of how sales reps can leverage sales intelligence data throughout the sales process

  • During lead scoring to better understand which leads are most valuable. 

  • During prospecting to find qualified new leads and send lead data to the CRM or sales tools like Hubspot. 

  • To create target lists based on buyer behavior and data enrichment. 

  • To customize templates with messaging that targets users based on behavior or characteristics uncovered in sales intelligence data. 

  • As part of the outreach process to customize and personalize outreach messaging and platforms. 

  • To find the right decision-makers contact data including email addresses, social media profiles, and phone numbers. 

  • To follow up with cold leads when they display buying signals, such as visiting the site after going cold. 

How to fully utilize sales intelligence data daily

Making the most of sales intelligence data requires building a process to gather, clean, and leverage the data. Ideally, this happens in real-time so your team can access the most up-to-date business intelligence data possible. 

While the exact process will vary depending on the data you need and the tools you use, this process will get you started: 

  1. Select a sales intelligence tool. We'll cover our favorites below, but look for one that integrates with your current tools and provides the information you don't currently have access to. 

  2. Train your sales team on the new platform. Make sure everyone understands the benefits and applications of the new data. 

  3. Set up automation. The easiest way to make the most of data is to make it easy to use. Integrate the new platform with your current tools and set up automation to automatically send the data to platforms you use every day, such as your CRM. 

5 sales intelligence tools to drive revenue 

There are dozens of sales intelligence tools out there. In fact, we've reviewed the top tools in the market to close more deals. But if you're looking for the best-of-the-best, we recommend these five tools. They are easy to use (in our opinion) and provide the most accurate, detailed data available. 

1. Leadfeeder 

Leadfeeder is one of the top sales intelligence tools on the market. Our platform combines on-site behavior tracking with lead enrichment to deliver detailed insights and contact information about the companies that visit your website. 

That means you can see not just that Microsoft visited your website, but also what pages they visited, what links they shared, and what white paper they downloaded. Other features of note include: 

  • Lead qualification 

  • Track buyer intent signals 

  • See the impact of paid ad campaigns 

  • Track your ABM efforts 

Our platform also integrates with all the fancy tools you're already using and uses automation to help your sales team work smarter without putting in any overtime.  

2. Dealfront

Dealfront is a comprehensive go-to-market platform that equips sales and marketing teams with the tools they need to succeed in any European market. Using the platform, companies can identify and land ideal customers quickly and efficiently, ultimately increasing their bottom line and establishing a revenue engine. 

Companies can discover more opportunities, qualify leads, convert them into customers, and optimize their team's performance. With Dealfront, businesses can bring their flywheel to life and watch sales happen in real-time.

3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is the OG of sales intelligence. It leverages all the data LinkedIn has at its disposal, making it a powerful tool for B2B sales reps. Features of note include advanced lead and company search features, the ability to reach out on well-trusted platforms, the option to use paid ads, lead recommendations, and real-time updates. 

These tools can be leveraged at any stage of the sales cycle from performing market research to looking for details to help close a deal. LinkedIn Sales Navigator also integrates with most CRMs, so you can work from one dashboard, instead of switching back and forth.

4. gives your teams and leadership complete visibility into all deals, team performance, and market changes. Know for sure what is actually coming down the pipeline each month.

5. Pipedrive

Tired of CRMs designed for marketers or customer service? Pipedrive is a customer relationship management tool created for (and by) salespeople. They also offer robust integration so you can combine data from your favorite tools into one place. 

Other features you'll love include: 

  • Email automation 

  • Tons of automation 

  • Call tracking 

  • Sales projections 

  • Lead, deal, and calendar management 

  • Data importation and customization  


Sales intelligence data helps sales teams prioritize leads, zero in on the most qualified leads, and customize outreach to the right prospects at the right time. Using Leadfeeder, your sales team can see who visits your site, what content they're interested in and much more. 

Want to see how much easier sales is with the right data? Try Leadfeeder free for 14 days.

Alicia Murphy
By Alicia Murphy

I help others achieve quality results & adopt new solutions, strategies and technology. As a process driven innovator, my focus is blending relationship skills with aggressive growth initiatives. I am motivated by enabling teams to bring sales, success, support, product and leadership together to grow their business.

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Leadfeeder is a tool that shows you companies that visit your website. Leadfeeder generates new leads, offers insight on your customers and can help you increase your marketing ROI.

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