
36 Best Web Analytics Tools To Use In 2024

19 February 2024

When it comes to web analytics tools, you can’t go wrong with Google Analytics. In fact, most businesses think that Google Analytics is the sole, essential option.

While Google Analytics is a robust web analytics platform and a free tool, it’s not the only analytics platform on the market, and there are many other tools that complement and expand what GA can do. In this article, you can compare options and find the perfect fit for your business. Your company’s analytics goals should match at least two or more of the tools listed below.

In this article, we show you all the other options so you can compare and find the perfect fit for your business. Your company’s analytics goals should match at least two or more of the tools listed below.

Note: Sign up and try Leadfeeder free to see the companies that visit your website, which pages they look at, and more.

Best web analytics tools for 2024

Leadfeeder website visitor identification solution

1. Leadfeeder

Pricing: 14-day free trial, paid plans starting at €99/month.

Rating: 4.3 stars on G2.

Leadfeeder is a powerful tool that helps businesses understand and engage with companies that visit your website in real time. It enables tracking company visitors' behavior and gaining insights into their interests. This data can be utilized to optimize your website for improved engagement and conversions. 

The website visitor identification solution provides various features. These include live visitor tracking, versatile filtering, and automatic lead scoring. It also offers powerful contact insight, email marketing integrations, website forms tracking, and real-time notifications. This makes it an ideal solution for businesses aiming to enhance their website's performance.

Whether you're an e-commerce business looking to increase sales or a B2B company trying to generate more leads, Leadfeeder is the perfect tool to help you achieve your goals. 

Take your website to the next level with Leadfeeder!

website visitor identification

Website Visitor Identification Guide

The people visiting your website don’t have to be a mystery


2. Visual Website Optimizer (VWO)

Visual Website Optimizer homepage screenshot

The free web analytics tool, Visual Website Optimizer (VWO), gives you the tools to perform experiments by A/B testing different graphical and textual on-page elements.

It also gives you the ability to record visitor sessions for playback analysis. For example, one company used the live user recording feature of VWO to discover a critical shipping error that appeared randomly throughout the day. As a result, the bounce rate on that page decreased by almost 45 percent.

Pricing: VWO offers a free trial of its web analytics tool and asks you to contact them for rates.

3. ClickMeter

best website analytics tools clickmeter

Determining the ROI of various marketing channels can be tough. ClickMeter gives you the ability to create pretty URLs and then track and analyze them by looking at over 100 different parameters.

ClickMeter integrates with Google Analytics and will allow you to redirect, track, and analyze website traffic.

It also gives you the ability to understand the true value of your marketing efforts and eliminate those traffic sources that aren’t converting.

Pricing: Starts at $29/month and tops out at $349/month.

4. PageSpeed Insights

best website analytics tools pagespeed insights

In this day and age of high-speed internet, your site must be able to keep up. Your website might still suffer from extended loading times despite a fast internet connection. Most internet users won't stick around for more than a couple of seconds for a page to load. And that’s where PageSpeed Insights comes in. 

PageSpeed is a free Google tool that allows you to see how fast (or slow) your web pages load. A slow website could be caused by one of many different things, such as network latency, poor server optimization, or huge image/file sizes.

According to a study conducted by Portent, a B2B website loading in one second experiences a conversion rate that is three times higher than a site that takes five seconds to load.  

Pricing: Free!

5. Intercom

best website analytics tools intercom

Does your organization have a web app for iOS or Android? Intercom offers a set of robust tracking and analytical tools that will enable you to get a better understanding of who’s using your web app.

With just a couple of lines of JavaScript code, you can track and interact with your web app users in a matter of minutes. Intercom doesn't just give you stats — it helps onboard new clients, announce new features, and make the whole customer experience better.

Pricing: starts at $136/month with an enterprise-level package available. Intercom has a 14-day free trial.

6. Domo


The different departments of any given organization often find themselves (and the data they create) siloed. It’s usually up to the IT department to run comprehensive database reports that can offer actionable business intelligence from site analytics.

Domo connects databases, systems, and people so that all departments are seeing the same web analytics data. This not only simplifies the lives of department heads but gives the leadership team a proverbial 90K foot view of any department with a few clicks of the mouse.

In many organizations, various departments often end up siloed, keeping their data isolated. Typically, it falls on the IT department to generate detailed database reports that provide useful business insights based on website analytics.

Domo connects databases, systems, and people so that all departments see the same web analytics data. This not only simplifies the lives of department heads but gives the leadership team a 360° view of any department with a few clicks of the mouse.

Pricing: Domo offers a Free Forever tier with an unlimited number of users, as well as more in-depth plans beginning at $300 per month.

7. Segment


As time goes by and companies grow, so does their customer database. Problems can arise when this data becomes cumbersome, isolated, and segmented.

Additional problems can occur when there is no standard data governance plan in place. Abbreviations and variations of words can cause confusion and misleading reporting.

Segment attempts to solve these problems by acting as infrastructure to collect, clean, and control customer data. It also integrates with a long list of tools such as Google Analytics, Salesforce, and Facebook Pixel, just to name a few.

Pricing: There is a limited-functionality free account available. Pricing starts at $120/month.

8. PaveAI

best website analytics tools paveai

Another free web analytics tool that the Leadfeeder team loves. If you’ve used Google Analytics at any length, you’ve probably seen line after line of referrer spam appearing in your reports.

Most people remain unaware that spammers and their evil bots visit their websites, inflating page views by hiding within the traffic reports. PaveAI removes this fake web traffic from your analytic reports, thereby giving you a clear view of your traffic levels.

It works in conjunction with Google Analytics and uses the Management API to continually add new filters once referrer spam is detected.

Pricing: Free.

9. Pingdom


Much like Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom tests your website for various factors that could cause it to slow down. Going one step further, it will also monitor your site and server for latency issues.

You can manage and monitor your website’s performance, uptime, and user interactions which in turn will give you peace of mind when you’re away from the office.

Pricing: Pingdom offers a 14-day free trial with pricing starting at $10/month.

10. SimilarWeb


What if you could have eyeballs on the website analytics of your competitors — legally, of course? SimilarWeb is a website data collection company that uses multiple data points to compile a comprehensive data set which can be used to gain actionable insights into your competitors.

The brainiacs, mathematicians, and data scientists employed by SimilarWeb have created a robust data platform that offers valuable insights for marketing, sales, and research.

Pricing: Free for a basic limited plan, but paid packages start at $125/month. You can also view their yearly plans here

11. Screaming Frog SEO

best website analytics tools screaming frog

This free web analytics tool is much more than looking at who is visiting your website. Screaming Frog SEO  Spider is a powerful tool used for website analysis in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). Its primary function is to crawl websites — much like search engine bots — to gather data and provide insights that can help optimize a site for better search engine rankings.

All you need to do is simply enter your website's URL. In just a few minutes, based on your site's size and the bot's crawling speed, you'll have a comprehensive technical SEO audit readily available. You can also find and fix broken links, check for 404 pages, and analyze your onsite SEO.

Screaming Frog SEO can also help find the exact location of errors found by such tools as Google PageSpeed and Pingdom.

Pricing: The website analytics tool has a free version that’s limited to crawling 500 URLs. The paid version starts at $209 per year.

12. Woopra

best website analytics tools woopra

Customer data is the lifeblood of any company. Woopra gives you the ability to parse and analyze data which will provide you with a better understanding of what your customers are doing. It accomplishes this by mapping out the customer journey and answering complicated questions.

Woopra also integrates with over 50 platforms such as MailChimp, Slack, and MySQL. Having the capacity to gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers' activities is crucial for delivering a top-notch customer experience.

Pricing: Ranges from free to $999/month. An enterprise plan is also available.

13. SEMrush

best website analytics tools semrush

SEMrush has a robust suite of SEO tools that will enable you to view the results of your SEO marketing efforts. It is designed to enhance online presence and uncover valuable marketing insights.

By performing competitor analysis, looking at your backlinks, and digging deep into the data, you can understand how to out-rank the competition. In addition to looking at backlinks, you can monitor your brand name, perform keyword gap analysis, and monitor your social media and social network efforts.

Pricing: Monthly subscriptions start at $129.95 and top out at $449.95/month.

14. Moz

best website analytics tools moz

Moz gives you the same basic functionality as SEMrush. You can view backlinks, analyze the competition, and explore potential linking opportunities. It also allows you to find new keywords and content ideas by looking at your and your competitors' websites.

When used together with Google Analytics, Moz can ultimately help you discover new search engine keyword opportunities that will drive both traffic and sales.

Pricing: There’s a 30-day free trial and pricing starts at $99/month.

15. Cyfe

best website analytics tools cyfe

Cyfe functions as the go-to business dashboard tool. It allows users to merge their data and visualize trends. It is a specialized marketing analytics tool for automating data extraction from multiple unrelated sources. It also offers real-time dashboards for seamless monitoring.

To use Cyfe, no coding experience is required. There are pre-built widgets that automatically connect you with a wide range of other online tools and services.

Cyfe saves you from having to log into multiple websites to get a clearer picture of exactly what’s going on at any given moment.

Pricing: There is a free trial, and pricing starts at $19/month.

16. Kissmetrics

best website analytics tools kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is a customer engagement platform that focuses on analytics and marketing tools. It aims to help you get a clearer picture of which marketing campaigns are and aren’t working.

The main work of this tool is to track and analyze customer data, before and after purchase, to help improve conversion rates, retention, and overall user experience on websites and mobile apps.

Pricing: Prices start at $25.99/month.

17. Chartbeat

best website analytics tools chartbeat

ChartBeat is a tool designed for businesses engaged in active content publication on their websites. It analyzes customer behavior and interactions with content, offering real-time insights into the number of visitors on each page.

That’s not all. Chartbeat also provides insights into audience engagement metrics like scroll depth and time spent on pages. It identifies traffic sources, monitors social media mentions, and offers tools for optimizing content performance and audience engagement strategies.

Additionally, Chartbeat assists in understanding audience demographics and behavior patterns to refine content strategies.

Pricing: starts at $7.000 per year. To learn more, get in touch with their sales team at 


best website analytics tools is a platform that helps publishers and content creators understand audience behavior. It tracks and analyzes user interactions with the website’s content. This provides insights into which articles or topics perform best, audience demographics, engagement metrics (like time spent on different pages), and traffic sources.

As a result, You’re able to make better marketing decisions once you get a clearer picture of what aspects of your site are keeping your visitors more engaged. This, in return, helps reduce bounce rates and increase conversions.

Pricing: To learn more about their pricing, contact their team as rates are offered on a case-by-case basis.

19. UserTesting

best website analytics tools usertesting

Website analytics tools are excellent for uncovering hidden visitor insights. The downside is that they can’t show or tell you what your customers think.

UserTesting takes website analytics one step further by getting real human beings to use and review your app or website while being recorded on video. Companies use UserTesting to improve their digital products based on user insights and feedback. Here’s a video of how UserTesting works.

Pricing: Reach out to the UserTesting team to learn their pricing.

Pricing: You need to reach out to UserTesting team to learn their pricing.

20. Flurry

Website analytics tools: Flurry

The Yahoo! Developer Network created Flurry as an app analytic tool. Flurry’s main aim is to help developers understand how users interact with their mobile applications. 

It also provides insights into user behavior, such as how often an app is used, how long users spend in the app, and the actions they take while using it. Additionally, Flurry also offers analytics on user demographics and geographic locations.

It works for both Android and iOS, with no coding experience required. Flurry will help you fine-tune your app by answering complicated questions via their robust analytic tools.

Pricing: Free.

21. Facebook Audience Insights

best website analytics tools facebook insights

Is Facebook part of your marketing strategy?

If so, Facebook Audience Insights can provide invaluable information on your likes, follower counts, comments, and other data points. With this tool, businesses can explore specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and purchase activities of their target audience or broader user segments.

It will help you increase user engagement by giving you the tools to determine what is and isn’t working.  Here’s how to use Facebook Audience Insights.

Pricing: Free

22. Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a powerful tool available to all websites that are part of Google Search results, free and paid. This tool helps track your website's performance and ensures compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Additionally, it provides insights on attracting more visitors from Google Search to your site. 

Also, GSC provides a number of tools and reports to help you fix issues, verify your site's presence on Google search results, and even learn how Google crawls your pages.

Pricing: Free.

23. GoSquared

best website analytics tools gosquared

GoSquared focuses on measuring how long a unique visitor has been active on your website. Unlike other website analytics tools, it uses a unique method of determining the length of time a user spends on your site.

When someone first visits your website, a "ping" is sent to GoSquared. That ping is repeated back and forth until the person leaves your website. It works silently in the background and doesn’t disrupt the user experience.

By measuring time spent on site in this way, you can get a much more accurate picture of exactly how long people are staying on your website.

Pricing: Starts at $9 to $99/month. An enterprise plan is available.

24. AW Stats

best website analytics tools awstats

AW Stats is an open-source analytics program that provides a visual representation of your data. It’s great for looking at file transfer protocol, mail, and log file statistics.

The only downside to this tool is that it will require some coding or server knowledge to implement. If you have an internal IT department or IT company on retainer, it’s probably best to let them handle the installation of this powerful analytics software package.

Pricing: Free.

25. Google Marketing Platform

best website analytics tools google platform

Google Marketing Platform (GMP) helps you get a better understanding of how your marketing efforts are performing. It’s different from Google Analytics in that it focuses less on website statistics and more on various marketing channels.

Google Marketing Platform consists of a robust set of tools that allows you to run detailed reports, manage tags, implement surveys, and optimize your paid ad campaigns. For example, With Google Optimize, you can conduct A/B tests on your landing pages to identify the most converting version.

Pricing: GMP’s rates are not publicly available. To learn more, Contact GMP

26. Hotjar

web analytics tool - hotjar

Hotjar is an all-in-one analytics and feedback tool that helps you understand how users act on our website. It provides you with the tools:

  • To improve conversions

  • Decrease drop-offs

  • Understand what users need help with

Hotjar monitors where people click, their scrolling behavior, inputs, mouse movements, and a heatmap of where they spend the most time on the page. 

Pricing: You can use Hotjar’s Basic package for $0/forever but it’s limited to 35 daily sessions. If you need more, the pricing starts at $32 /month.

27. Crazy Egg

web analytics tool: Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is a website analytics tool that helps you optimize your site to make it more user-friendly, more engaging, and more conversion-oriented. Using heatmaps and A/B testing, Crazy Egg showcases how individuals engage with your site, empowering you to enhance its design for improved conversions.

You can use Crazy Egg to:

  • Track clicks, mouse movements, and scrolling on your site.

  • See how far down the page people are reading and where they are clicking (heatmap).

  • Test different versions of your pages to see which one performs better.

Wrapping up, CrazyEgg should be at the top of your list if you are looking to improve the performance of your website. It is easy to use, explains everything in detail, and has all of the features you need to boost your website's user engagement.

Pricing: Starts at $49/month with access to 75,000 tracked pageviews, 50 snapshots, and 500 recordings per month. It also has an enterprise package.

28. Zuko

best web analytics tool: Zuko

Zuko is a form optimization and tracking analytics tool. It helps you get more out of your forms. Zuko can enhance conversions by streamlining user form completion. It also reduces errors by displaying warnings for input issues and tracks form usage, providing insights into user behavior.

As you know, the more complicated your form, the more complicated your analytics and optimization will be. That's why Zuko can be a great tool to help you to optimize your forms. 

Pricing: A free trial is available. Pricing for this tool starts at £50/per month. 

29. Ahrefs 

Ahrefs - SEO and Web Analytics Tool

Ahrefs is an SEO toolset that lets you do everything from keyword research to backlink monitoring, all in one place. Ahrefs pulls back the curtain on your website's traffic and helps you see what search engine optimization and marketing opportunities are hiding in plain sight. 

With Ahrefs, you can:

  • Research keywords and discover new ones

  • Track your competitor's SEO performance

  • Monitor your own site's health

  • Get insights into what's working for your competitors.

Pricing: Ahrefs has different options and pricing. The Lite subscription starts at $99/month. 

30. Mouseflow

Mouseflow - website analytics tool

Mouseflow is an online video analytics tool that allows website owners to understand how users interact with their websites. It provides insights by recording and analyzing user sessions, including mouse movements, clicks, scrolls, etc.

You can use Mouseflow to build heatmaps for all pages automatically, so you can see how your visitors are interacting with your site and optimize accordingly. And if you want more information about the people who visit your site, Mouseflow has form analytics that will help you get it.

Pricing: Mouseflow has a free forever plan, and paid subscriptions start from $31/month. 

31. Amplitude

Amplitude: website analytics tool

Amplitude is a product analytics platform that makes it easy for teams to get fast insights on user behavior, performance, and retention so they can build better products. 

Amplitude assists in boosting engagement, growth, and revenue. It provides your teams with self-service product data, empowering them to understand their product's users and ways to improve it.

Pricing: The starter pack is free, but the paid plan starts from $49/month.

32. FullStory

FullStory : website analytics

FullStory is a digital experience intelligence platform that captures every user interaction with total privacy. FullStory offers a range of features, such as:

  • Conversion funnels on demand

  • Advanced search options

  • Video-like replays of actual user sessions

  • Robust debugging and developer tools

The FullStory analytics engine also automatically indexes digital interactions with websites or applications. This empowers teams to measure, validate, and take action on each user experience at scale

Pricing: You can get a business plan with a 14-day free trial, or visit FullStory for more pricing options.

33. MixPanel

Mixpanel website analytics

Mixpanel is a platform that provides analytics on user behavior. It is used by businesses to understand how their customers interact with their website, mobile app, and products.

Mixpanel offers 3 solutions:

  • Convert — With this solution, users can understand how their conversion rates vary by segment. 

  • Engage — Here, you can measure active usage, get users on the right path, and re-engage with in-product data.

  • Retain — With this solution, Mixpanel helps you dive deeper into your retention analysis to understand who retains better and why.

Pricing: Mixpanel has a free starter plan. Paid plans start at $20/month.

34. HubSpot

web analytics tools

HubSpot’s new free CMS platform and website builder comes with in-depth website analytics to help optimize your site for conversions and the customer journey. HubSpot's traffic analytics tool can be used to view website traffic data and break each channel down by source, topic cluster, device type, country, and more.

With these breakdowns, you can identify website performance through:

  • Traffic source: Identify the source of visitors from multiple channels, including organic, paid search, referral traffic, and more

  • Marketing analytics dashboard: build in marketing dashboards with insights on your marketing campaigns and key performance indicators

  • Topic cluster: Individual pages can be grouped by specific uses and intents, breaking down customer sessions and metrics like bounce rate, conversions, and more

  • Pages views: Differentiate traffic and performance of your blog posts, landing pages, website pages, or knowledge articles

Since the platform has such in-depth reporting, any developer or business can optimize their entire website. They can do so by analyzing past performance and implementing incremental improvements to create a better user experience.

Pricing: For businesses and enterprises, prices start at $360/month and $1,200/month respectively.

35. Adobe Analytics Cloud

adobe analytics screenshot

Adobe Analytics Cloud provides advanced features to track and analyze customer behavior across digital channels. 

It helps businesses understand user interactions and improve customer experiences with detailed reports and visualizations. It also enables insights into customer behavior, by optimizing marketing strategies.

Pricing: To gain access to the prices, visit Adobe Experience Cloud.

36. ChartMogul

Chart Mogul platform screenshot

ChartMogul is focused explicitly on subscription analytics. ChartMogul helps subscription-based businesses track key metrics like monthly recurring revenue, customer churn rates, and customer lifetime value.

By consolidating data from various sources, it enables valuable insights and informed decisions to optimize growth strategies.

Pricing: Starter is free, but the scale plan starts at $127/ month.

Final thoughts

I'm a big fan of Google Analytics, but GA isn't an all-encompassing website analytics tool. There are many different types of websites out there, and they all require their own unique analytics strategy.

I hope that the list above is helpful in getting you started on your quest to find a web analytics tool that makes sense for your online marketing needs. 

Analytics is a big part of creating a successful marketing strategy. With the right combination of web analytics tools, you can see more about the impact of your marketing efforts, improve your strategy, and—our favorite—gather more leads to pass on to your sales team 🚀

Note: Sign up and try Leadfeeder free for 14 days to see the companies that visit your website, which pages they look at, and more.

Romana Hoekstra
By Romana Hoekstra

Content Marketing Expert

Romana helps B2B tech companies and startups to craft high-performing content marketing strategies with a focus on organic growth, SEO, high-quality content production & distribution.

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t’s time to turn your website traffic data into something more meaningful. Website visitor analytics enable you to identify and qualify the companies visiting your website, even when they don’t fill out a form.

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